Friday 13 April 2012

Time decides whom you will meet in life…

“Time decides whom you will meet in life;
Your heart decides whom you want in life;
but your behavior decides who will stay in your life.”

Monday 2 January 2012

Don’t say, ‘If I could, I would…

Don't say, 'if I could , I would.' Say, 'If I can, I will.'
              ~ Jim Rohn

It is possible to store the mind…

"It is possible to store the mind with a million facts & still be entirely uneducated"

                                                       ~ Alec Bourne

Monday 18 July 2011

Attack the Argument, Not the Arguer

“In Soccer, kick the ball, not the player. In discussion, attack the argument, not the arguer”

Random: A good leader

“A good leader doesn't just lead, he creates more good leaders.”

Saturday 16 July 2011

If you expect respect

“If you expect respect be the first to show it.

Things most desired and wanted

“Things most desired and wanted are always right in front of you. You just have to open your eyes wide enough.”